
The world is rapidly changing and the next generation of college graduates will need to be prepared to solve complex global problems. Effective teachers in colleges of agriculture are a key piece of the solution to this issue. The purpose of this study was to explore the teaching beliefs of excellent college professors so that novice teachers may learn from their accomplished peers. This study used faculty in the Academy of Teaching Excellence at University of Florida as a case study. Based on the Teacher Belief Scale, the majority of professors were classified as enablers,
meaning that this group was high in Sensitivity and high in Inclusion. Examining the teaching philosophy statements of this group showed that the majority of professors expressed high Sensitivity and at least a neutral level of Inclusion. When comparing the two measures of beliefs, it was concluded that these excellent professors are consistently expressing beliefs of Sensitivity, but inconsistently representing beliefs of Inclusion. Based on this study, novice teacher should aspire develop high levels of sensitivity and at least moderate levels of inclusion.



teaching beliefs, excellent undergraduate professors, enablers, teaching philosophy statements, inclusion, sensitivity

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