
Today ushers in the last few moments of the brief time span in which I will have the priviledge of serving as your President. It has been a busy year, an eventful year, and a year that re-emphasized to the tremendous responsibilities facing higher education in agriculture. and the awesome task facing NACTA as it plans for the future. There is so much to do that it is often hard to determine where to begin. But there is one overriding conclusion that I have reached at the end of my year of service - that is that the membership of NACTA is composed of innovative, ingenuous and dedicated professional educators willing to take on any task; the odds are favorable that they will wonderfully succeed. NACTA 1972 is reaching maturity; its growth and its future can be what its membership wants it to be.

Key words:

NACTA reprint, J. Wayland Bennett, 1972





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