
Agricultural communicators and industry stake­holders need to develop, prepare and implement crisis communication plans to help assure the sustainabil­ity of the agricultural industry. This study sought to determine competencies, traits, skills and tools needed by agriculture crisis communication professionals who manage public communication during times of turmoil. The researchers used a five-round Delphi to identify crisis communicator needs and the extent to which the identified competencies, traits, skills and tools exist in and with industry professionals. Eight major crisis communication need areas were identi­fied and verified in the first two Delphi rounds: (a) areas of experience; (b) communication, media and technical skills; (c) contingency plans and prepared­ness; (d) learning/training needs and opportunities; (e) media and technical skills; (f) networking oppor­tunities; (g) personal traits; and (h) supplies and tools. Round three employed a five-point Likert-type scale to rank the eight identified need areas. Eleven inde­pendent items from the eight need areas for crisis communicators were noted with 100% acceptance for being highly important (M = 5, SD = 0) competencies, traits, skills and tools. There was no single crisis com­munication competency, trait, skill and/or tool where 100% of the participants ranked themselves as expert. Final rounds created a succinct, yet comprehensive and validated list of competencies, traits, skills and tools needed to train crisis communicators. Strategies and recommendations for improving crisis communi­cations education and training are noted.

Key Words:

Crisis communication, strategies and recommendations

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