
The purpose of this study was to conduct a final program evaluation of the Bachelor of Science in Professional Agriculture Degree Program from the perspective of recent alumni. The typical graduate of the Bachelor of Science in Professional Agriculture degree program was male (54%), 46 years old, and took 60 months to complete the program. Most (87%) graduates had completed the program within six years. Graduates’ highest-ranked factor for enrolling in the program was pursuing a degree followed by career advancement. Graduates were asked what specific aspects of the program that they liked best. The most frequently (65%, n = 15) cited strengths had to do with flexibility and convenience. The most significant obstacle faced by graduates was the limited number of course offerings, which was also the most frequently listed weakness of the program. It is recommended that persons responsible for distance education programs continue to pursue strategies (e.g. sharing course revenue with departments and faculty, sharing courses with other universities) that will ensure sufficient numbers and variety of courses.

Key Words:

Evaluation, career advancement

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