

We organized and facilitated two short-term study abroad programs to Brazil and South Africa. The objective of this report is to reflect upon our international experiences, assess our approach to study abroad and encourage others to undertake future study abroad tours. We believe that participant preparation is important to making the most out of these short study tours. Although the time spent in-country is limited to twelve days, we leveraged the knowledge gained and the cultural experience by providing a semester-long course. This course addressed three important objectives: (1) academic preparation through student peer-reviewed presentations, (2) anxiety reduction through travel skill preparation and (3) team building exercises. While overseas, we utilized student leaders, who provided enormous assistance in logistics, making other students comfortable and bringing issues to our attention. We also made ourselves present as often as possible, in the attempt to bring a positive attitude towards all events and circumstances, as well as try to provide context and experience to the study tour experience. Students were encouraged to keep a journal during our travels. After arrival back home, students were required to write a paper that summarized and synthesized what they learned.


Key Words:


Effective international experiences, team building exercises