

Globalization is changing the shape of today’s world. The result is an increasing importance for leaders to possess international leadership competencies as well as westernized competencies. Researchers are questioning exactly which competencies are needed to be an effective global leader across cultures. To date, the GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) study is the largest worldwide leadership study, which focused on cultural leadership competencies. This article uses the universally effective leader attributes defined by the GLOBE study to assess whether the Texas A&M leadership program is preparing students to be competent global leaders. It is concluded Transformational and Charismatic leadership theories taught at Texas A&M are universally endorsed theories, while behavioral leadership, task and relationship competencies, are not considered important for westernized leadership. This has profound impacts on the leadership education community. The question becomes: should leadership programs focus more on global leadership theories and competencies?


Key Words:


Universally enforced attributes, current prevelant leadership theories, GLOBE