
Early in August of 1945 a long and vicious war was terminated with the dropping of an instrument known vulgarly as a "whammy." It introduced the nuclear age, and perhaps that was the most important thing that has happened in this twentieth century. A few years ago a satelite went up and the space age opened. That may have been the most important thing that has happened in this twentieth century. And yet in 1952, obscurely, without much publicity or propoganda, another development occured that may very well be vastly more important than the "whammy" that brought nuclear power to us or the "sputnik" that opened space to us. In 1962 a Coal and Steel Community was developed in Western Europe. It had some difficulties at the start. Two years later efforts were made in western Europe to open a Defense Community and a Political Community. Both of them failed. Yet, in 1958, the common market, the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Community were developed. They have been vital, they have prospered and the economic community especially is going ahead at a rate that may well make it true that this is the important development of this century in which we live.


reprint, twentieth century, European Economic Community, world market

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