Six months ago when Professor Kneebone first mentioned that he would like me to be on this program today it was most easy for me to agree because that was a long time in the future, and I had other pressing problems to take my mind off of the work here today. Then, as the time grew closer to today's meeting, and he reminded me on several occasions of my responsibilities, my anxiety and frustration began to increase. The reason for this is that the more contact I have with people and the more experiences I have in regard to meetings, colloquia, conventions, etc., the more convinced I become that we are going through the motions of involvement in order to satisfy some kind of vague, subconscious need to belong to a large group or important movement but, at the same time, not wishing to become involved in any way so that it causes a commitment on our part.
life-long education, fun, student-designed education, practical