Readers, particularly those in the agricultural sector who responded to the 1962 questionnaire inquiry, will note that the data presented in this paper represent only comparatively few of the curriculums originally listed and presently offered in the agricultural colleges. The institutions which reported degrees granted from any agricultural curriculum and the curriculum designations they used when this Office conducted a survey of enrollment and degrees in agriculture in 1960 comprised the source of data for the present study, (1) From the universe of curriculum offerings thus determined for the Land-grant colleges a sampling procedure which provided for two-way stratification, by region and by curriculum, resulted in a population of 419 offerings of 83 differently designated curriculums in 67 institutions. The sample was drawn so as to include every curriculum offered under a different name even though a certain curriculum was offered in only one institution. Those curriculums more generally offered and appearing in many instances were sampled.
curriculum, questionnaires, curriculum study