
Two experiences encountered in the preparation of this paper moved me to the point of minor shock, and I would share them with you. In searching recent literature bearing upon the general question at hand, I came last to the document to which I should have turned first, namely, the report of your workshop on "Agribusiness Management, Curriculum Development, and Teaching Programs," held at Harvard University, August 8-15, 1962. The paper presented at that time by Dean Whitla (1) of Harvard University under the title "Advising Systems for Undergraduates" might well have served as the introductory paper for this segment of your conference. His excellent discussion of the importance of assisting the student to understand better his own and the institution's goals, the value of the role model, faculty attitude toward advising, in-service training, the psycho-social effects of a new environment upon students-these concepts and others comprise a fine basis for appreciation of the importance of this work. A re-reading of this paper at regular intervals would help us all. You may appreciate my feelings, however, in finding the assignment I was undertaking so nicely completed one year earlier, and presented in a document that has, undoubtedly, reached each of you for study.



advisor, advising

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