
The Swedish project Agroecology in Practice” [AGROECOPRAC] has a mission to alleviate poverty in households that depend on small-scale farming systems. The method is to establish agroecology education in farming and food systems that are aligned with challenges in small-scale farming. We recognize overwhelming challenges of low productivity, inadequate inputs, poor equity of food distribution and limitations of market infrastructure that can be overcome by thoughtful applications of appropriate technology, through informed and appropriately trained agricultural stakeholders, including educators. We developed an approach to designing creative education and training for action that integrates farmers’ knowledge and practices, development work, extension, education and research using whole-systems approaches from agroecology, with unique applications in universities in Uganda, Ethiopia and Sweden. The approach involves program coordinator workshops, teacher training, coordinator meetings, annual general meetings and short courses to facilitate the establishment introductory courses and MSc programs in agroecology. From participant evaluations we conclude that this approach to planning and implementation is narrowing the gap between academia and practice by fostering shared understandings of small-scale agriculture, introducing new educational methods and promoting communication among stakeholders.


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