This qualitative study sought to identify motivating factors for students to complete online course evaluations. Researchers of this study did personal interviews with instructors (N=7) who had a higher than average response rates for course evaluations. In addition, the researchers held a student focus group (N=17) purposively selected for their diverse perspective. Researchers coded the data using the constant comparative method. Themes from instructors included the context surrounding the instructor and student, the course itself, logistical challenges and motivational factors. Themes from students included them asking, “What’s in it for me”, their willingness to respond if certain conditions were met, logistical challenges, confusion and frustration. Implications for practice include creating a culture of respect and reciprocity, using formative assessment and frequent reminders, developing incentive structures, anticipating logistical challenges, providing in-class time to complete evaluations and helping students find value in the course evaluation process. Recommendations for further research include further exploring student motivations and conducting a similar study for online courses.
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