
This study examined a census of students enrolled in a junior level undergraduate animal science course at Oklahoma State University during the spring of 2013. This course was designed to address the “skill gap” of pre-vet and pre-service agricultural education majors in the area of animal handling and management. The course focuses on the identification and acquisition of basic animal handling and management techniques in the context of beef, dairy, sheep, goat, horse, swine and poultry. Data were collected at two points during the semester, the initial data collection occurred on the first day of the course. All (n = 39) students completed the instrument resulting in a 100% response rate. The second data collection occurred on the last day of the course. Thirty-six (three students dropped the course during the semester) of the 39 students completed the instrument resulting in a response rate of 92%. Findings from this study revealed an increased self-efficacy for undergraduate students after taking the undergraduate Animal Science course. Findings also revealed under¬graduate students believe identifying proper injection sites and overall animal health are important. These results indicate student performance and acquisition of technical skills should inform curriculum development in Colleges of Agriculture.
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