The purpose of this study was to evaluate three professional development resources 
(conference, webpage and webinar) created for swine science distance education instructors in two programs: Professional Swine Manager and Swine Science Online. Instructors reported applying what they had learned at the conference and rated the new methods from the conference above average on a five-point scale. Instructors indicated the webpage was above average in quality and rated the resources on the page as good or excellent. Instructors ranked the webinar as the most useful of the three resources evaluated. Most instructors considered the webinar valuable and would attend an additional webinar if given the opportunity. Webinars were found to be favored by instructors over other professional development options due to convenience and ability to inter- act with fellow instructors. We recommend that webinars be given priority over face-to-face conferences when planning future professional development activities and programs for this audience of swine science education instructors.