The purpose of this two-year longitudinal study was to examine the performance of veterinary students on exams utilizing crib sheets to determine their effects on exam performance, perceived exam stress, and retention of subject matter knowledge. Scores for individual exams where crib sheets were permitted were compared with exam scores where crib sheets were not permitted utilizing one-sample t-tests. One-sample t-tests were also utilized to determine the influence of crib sheets on subject matter knowledge retention for a cumulative exam. A questionnaire was distributed to capture students’ perceptions about the value of crib sheets. Researchers found crib sheet use enhanced student exam performance, but did not improve retention of subject matter knowledge. Results from the questionnaire indicated students perceived crib sheet use as a way decrease exam anxiety and provide support during studying and testing. Disadvantages surfaced by students included that crib sheets could be used as a crutch and could decrease learning. It is recommended that instruction on strategies for use be implemented in any course using crib sheets. Overall, crib sheet use was perceived as positive by students and could be a viable way to combat high levels of anxiety and depression in veterinary students.