Students completing a required Animal and Poultry Sciences capstone experience at a Research university were surveyed to ascertain their perception of its impact on their learning and career preparation. A total of 96 of 387 former and current students completed the survey. All but four participants had already graduated and approximately 75% had completed their undergraduate degree at least six months prior to completing the survey. Capstone experiences included internships (41%), undergraduate research (26%), formal courses (12%), study abroad (9%), and independent studies (9%). Participants were primarily female (89%), which is reflective of the gender mix in the major. Results of the survey revealed that 81% of participants agreed that their capstone experience had helped them prepare for their career goals to a large or moderate extent; 82% were very satisfied or satisfied with their capstone experience; and 89% agreed that the capstone experience should continue to be required. Most alumni (approximately 90%) felt that the seven learning objectives associated with the capstone experience were important or very important to success after college. Based on participant feedback, this capstone experience appears to be a successful high-impact educational practice.