
The article herein discusses a model of student learning outcomes assessment and communicates methods in analyzing assessment data and interpreting assessment findings. The premise of the learning outcomes assessment model is to promote proficiency in core competencies desired among animal science undergraduates using assessment of programmatic learning goals. Findings revealed greatest intellectual growth for measures of Civic and Global Awareness, with exemplary student performance increasing sixfold. There was no change in student performance for the Responsibility goal, defined as respectful management of animals, their products, and the environment. Whereas, exemplary performance decreased 17 and 13%, respectively for Knowledge Integration and Discipline Impact goals. High achievement in direct measures of Civic and Global Awareness was supported through indirect assessment data. Indirect measures of Responsibility suggested high achievement when assessed through engagement activities and moderate achievement when assessed through employer evaluation; however, direct assessment data suggested that students were more likely to not achieve acceptable performance standards for this goal. Students demonstrated greater proficiency in oral communication compared to written communication and greater proficiency in decision making compared to problem solving measures, with growth measured in all four areas. Collectively, the findings provide context for future academic strategies for student learning success.