
New instructorship of the senior-level beef systems management course at Iowa State University presented the opportunity for curriculum revision. The objective was to conduct a critical course evaluation and update course objectives and student outcomes. Fifteen indus­try stakeholders were invited to aid in an assessment of course objectives and student preparation for various beef industry careers. Stakeholders participated in a series of surveys patterned after the Delphi process designed to rank the importance of various beef industry aspects that students need to understand prior to enter­ing the industry. The result was a list of industry-deter­mined student outcomes. During Round I, stakeholders anonymously listed outcomes and objectives consid­ered paramount to the course. Results were compiled, and stakeholders individually ranked outcomes by importance during Round II. Round III involved a group discussion on Round II rankings to develop a stakehold­er-ranking of course objectives and outcomes. Rank­ings were condensed into main categories with a com­posite mean, median, and standard deviation calculated for each category. Final rankings were used to assess and re-design the curriculum as results recommended an increased emphasis should be placed on business management and financial principles. Surveying stake­holders with this Delphi-style method proved to be an effective protocol for instructors to critically evaluate and update course objectives and outcomes relevant to industry needs.