
Agricultural education teacher preparation programs across the United States are implementing high stakes teacher performance assessments to better prepare pre-service teachers for the rigors of classroom teaching. During pilot implementation of edTPA, a standardized teacher performance-based assessment, University of Georgia (UGA) teacher preparation unit implemented a technology mediated observation (TMO) protocol to replace one of three face-to-face observations conducted by university supervisors. The instrumental case study reported here explores the outcomes of the TMO experience from the emic perspective of the pre-service teachers, their cooperating teachers, and university supervisors. Findings indicate that TMO overall was a positive experience for pre-service teachers because they engaged in self-monitoring, reflexive teaching practices, and it created opportunities for participants to collaborate with other professionals in their placement sites. We conclude that the use of TMO was overall beneficial to the pre-service teaching experience by enhancing reflective behavior among participants to improve teaching practice. To improve the practice of using TMO, teacher educators should provide well-planned processes for the pre-service teaching cohort. Future research should focus on how TMO can be used to improve quality instruction in the student teaching experience.