
Social cognitive career theory (SCCT), which is the framework this study and intervention is based on, states that academic interests are developed from beliefs of self-efficacy and outcome expectations and that these two factors should be considered when conducting career counseling and interventions (Brown and Lent, 1996). Currently there is a gap in the literature focusing on African American agricultural students and career development variables. Data was collected and analyzed. Demographics show that the majority of the sample were African American underclassman females who were not first-generation college students. A correlational analysis was conducted between the variables of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) interests, STEM self-efficacy, personal barriers, social supports, technology interests, coping efficacy, and ethnic identity. Our results show low to medium significant correlations between some of the variables. Additionally, a paired samples t-test was conducted to determine differences between pre- and post-test scores following either a control or intervention module; results suggest that supports and technology interests were significantly and negatively impacted from pre- to post-test.

Keywords: SCCT, career development, agricultural students, African American students, minority students