
Post-secondary education funding is multifaceted and varies greatly in the American education system. The desire to include experiential education in collegiate curriculums can be limited by a variety of factors including inefficient management practices and limitations to traditional post-secondary education funding. This paper explores how an equine program at a midsized, university in Kentucky utilized management changes combined with nontraditional funding resources to integrate experiential learning into its curriculum. The intent was to identify management practices and funding sources used by the program. Transcripts from faculty interviews highlighted five themes influencing the program during academic years 2010-2015: improve management procedures, increase herd value, decrease expenses, improve department collaboration, and utilize a more flexible management style. A review of financial records identified four funding sources contributing to experiential learning: two traditional sources (legislative and course fees), and two non-traditional sources (endowments, grants, and sponsorships, and self- generating funds). Findings in this study provide insight to changes in management and alternative funding sources that other equine or agricultural programs could review for potential revenue streams.