
Study abroad is increasingly emphasized in undergraduate agricultural programs, as a method to help prepare students for working in a global industry. Digital storytelling is a form of narrative, told in the first person, usually presented as a short video, and was used in this study as an assignment in a study abroad course that allowed the students to reflect on their experience, as well as provide data for assessment to attainment of course learning outcomes. Students were given guided questions, and instructions to prepare a reflective video, not a travel log. Videos were transcribed and thematically analyzed. Prevalent themes of cultural awareness, intercultural difference, and intercultural similarity were found. These themes align with the intended outcomes of cultural worldview, intercultural curiosity, and intercultural empathy. Other emergent themes included personal impact, personal growth, importance of relationships with others, and future career applications. Results supported the conclusion that intended learning outcomes were achieved, as well as other personal outcomes, such as self-reflection, perspective, and growth. Digital storytelling was a unique and successful method of capturing the variety of outcomes provided by a study abroad experience.