
This study evaluated the potential to use Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic (VARK) learning styles to predict the educational preferences of college students, as self-reported on a survey. Introductory biology students were classified into the four unimodal learning style categories, as well as multimodal combination categories. Statistically significant differences between the VARK learning styles showed high correspondence of expected and self-reported preferences for instructional methods. Compared to other learning styles, the kinesthetic style reported a significantly stronger preference (p<0.05) for hands-on activities, read/write styles preferred reading assignments and independent study projects, and aural styles indicated a preference for group discussions. Preferences for working independently were significantly correlated to course grades, with high-achieving students reporting a dislike for graded group work. Some significant differences were found for educational preferences based on gender and major, but irrespective of this, students generally indicated the strongest preferences for clearly organized and structured lectures, hands-on activities, and field trips (86%, 86%, and 83%, respectively, for students indicating “strongly favor” or “slightly favor” on a Likert-type scale). Overall, the findings of this study support the use of VARK learning styles to provide reliable correspondence to preferences for educational activities.