
The purpose of this manuscript was to compare swine science curriculum at four major animal science programs at agricultural universities to evaluate the method of presenting information. This analysis compared two models of curriculum consisting of a double model that utilized both sophomore and senior level courses and a single model consisting of only a senior level course. This assessment compared course content, learning objectives, and teaching paradigms. While course content was variable between institutions, the double model taught a broader spectrum of material in greater depth than the single model. Similarly, learning objectives were more specific and more in depth in the double model. All courses used a blend of traditional lecture and experiential learning to some extent. The double model utilized a pragmatism teaching philosophy, blending behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism paradigms, whereas the single model primarily utilized a realism teaching philosophy, blending behaviorism with some cognitivism. The double model uses teaching paradigms and a teaching philosophy that better aligns with a learner-centered approach and authentic learning. Additionally, it stimulated more interest in the swine industry. Overall, the double model not only covered more content and increased student interest, but also allowed instructors to utilize a more learner-centered instruction.