
There are lower numbers of Hispanic students pursuing a degree in agriculture-related fields as compared to the distribution of the general population of students. These students often have negative perception and lack information about the agricultural industry and are frequently uninterested in careers in agriculture. The purpose of this study was to test recruitment messages targeting potential Hispanic students into the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Texas University. This study also sought to determine why these students ultimately choose, or do not choose, to pursue a college degree in agriculture and related pathways. A qualitative case study was conducted to determine the motivations and influences impacting Hispanic and non-Hispanic students in choosing a major, college, and career, and determine if there were a difference between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic students. Data were collected through focus groups and participant observation. Sixty-seven high school students enrolled in agriculture classes in two communities near Texas Tech participated. The qualitative data generated from this study indicated that money, size/distance, and activities were influential factors for both Hispanic and non-Hispanic students picking a major, college, and career. When being recruited into the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Hispanic and Non-Hispanic students wanted to hear messages regarding earning potential, opportunities, and extra-curricular activities.

Keywords: University recruitment, Hispanic student recruitment, video