
This study investigated the motivation of Master Gardener (MG) volunteers to teach an integrated science, technol- ogy, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) class through an agriculture, food, and natural resources (AFNR) youth program. An AFNR youth program with integrated STEM content is considered a nontraditional MG program. Through a qualitative post development training survey and post-program interviews we were able to describe the motivations of MGs teaching an integrated STEM through AFNR professional development training and youth program. The results suggested that MG volunteers’ motivations were related to feelings of achievement, affiliation, power, comfort, and timing. In order to motivate MG volunteers to participate in a nontraditional MG program, such as the one presented in this study, it is important to address their personal values, interests, feelings of comfort, and personal schedules. The study also suggested some strategies that Extension educators could use to motivate MG volunteers.