
A regression analysis was used to evaluate whether students perform better when taught using PowerPoint instructional technology or traditional lecture and chalkboard teaching. The data were collected from a “Principles of Agricultural Economics” course for ten semesters, five of which were taught using lecture and chalkboard and five using only PowerPoint. The study included 443 observations, of which 221 were males and 222 females. In the regression model, the percentage score was a function of teaching methodology, semester, gender, and absences where all dependent variables, except absences, were 0, 1 binary variable indicating PowerPoint or lecture and chalkboard, fall or spring semester, and male or female student, respectively. We assumed that students will (1) perform better in the spring semester because they got acclimated to the college environment during their previous fall semester or the freshman year and (2) retain and learn more because PowerPoint with its visuals will help them understand better the textbook materials. However, the results show that the only significant variable in explaining the difference in student performance was “absences”. The effect of absences on grades was expected. Missing classes negatively impacted student performance.