
Declining undergraduate student enrollment in turfgrass programs across the nation has left some programs at critically low numbers and the industry with a declining skilled workforce. When evaluating recruitment methods, most evaluations collect data from currently enrolled students within specific colleges or disciplines. For some disciplines, such as turfgrass management, this survey population may not provide accurate responses due to frequent movement into and out of the program before graduation. When reflecting back on high school experiences and interests, the top characteristics of alumni (n=26) from the turfgrass program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln identified that they worked on a golf course, played high school football, enjoyed science classes, and played on the high school or select baseball or softball team. Alumni also indicated web resources and friends were the top sources of information prior to applying for admission or making a campus visit. The opportunity to work outside was the most important characteristic when thinking about selecting the turfgrass and landscape management (TLMT) major. These findings identify new influencers, locations for expanded marketing, and marketing methods that may increase the awareness and knowledge of the turfgrass discipline and profession to prospective students and influencers around those students.