Every spring, the Colorado State University (CSU) Equine Sciences Program hosts the Legends of Ranching (LOR) Performance Horse Sale, an event that provides experiential learning and professional development opportunities for Equine Sciences students in addition to equine industry outreach for the program. Since its inception 13 years ago, the program has expanded to become the Equine Sciences Program’s signature event and one of the largest outreach activities on campus. The LOR Program incorporates an estimated 100 undergraduate Equine Sciences students each year and the number of impacted students continues to grow as the LOR Program expands. Currently, four full-semester courses and one recitation are taught as part of the LOR Program and many other students are impacted through various independent study and volunteer opportunities. The courses taught as part of the LOR Program are among the most hands-on, interactive courses within the entire Equine Sciences undergraduate curriculum. The program utilizes experiential learning to create well-rounded equine professionals, as students gain direct experience training and preparing the sale horses, planning and marketing events and developing professional skills. The LOR Program creates an outreach and teaching program within an undergraduate program that also reaches and benefits a statewide and national industry. Other college or university equine programs could consider utilizing this teaching model in order to create experienced equine professionals.