Livestock projects enable youth to build valuable life skills while growing their knowledge in a livestock animal species by competing against other livestock exhibitors.  Traditionally, livestock projects are meant to provide youth exhibitors with learning experiences through its competitive nature and through the cooperation with adults. While youth-adult interactions in a livestock project are intended to provide positive exhibition experiences for youth, youth-adult interactions can also shape the way youth view competition in their livestock project, and impact the skills are learned or developed. The purpose of this study was to identify exhibition experiences and adult sources of livestock knowledge of livestock project exhibitors.  A survey was administered to youth livestock exhibitors (N = 159) who were enrolled in a high school agriculture course and who also exhibited a beef, sheep, swine, or goat project. Findings indicated youth exhibitor’s parents were the main source of livestock knowledge and skills in their livestock project and the youth perceived adults modeled highly positive behaviors when working with youth in a livestock project. Youth exhibitors also agreed competition was a driving force behind their motivation to strive for excellence in their livestock project and viewed competition in livestock exhibition to be a positive event. Assessing the interaction youth have with their adult mentor in their livestock project could allow adults and educators to better understand youth exhibitor’s beliefs and views of their livestock project.