
The Cooperative Extension System serves as the liaison between the public and the university. As our nation continues to diversify and globalize, it is critical that as liaisons, Extension Educators have the skills to communicate cross-culturally in their respective communities. Developing intercultural competence is imperative to successfully communicate and operate in evolving American communities shaped by diversity. The objective of this study was to describe the change in educator intercultural development during an embedded study abroad program to Vietnam. Five Extension Educators were selected to provide undergraduate students with mentorship throughout a semester-long course with international travel during week 10. Mentors were required to complete pre- and post-assessments, including the Intercultural Development Inventory, while also responding to reflective prompts during the program. As a group, the educators regressed on the intercultural continuum by 8.0 points and remained in the minimization stage. However, educators reported meeting goals, increased personal development, and a positive experience with the program. Future programming should focus on the undergraduate mentor-educator relationship and more deliberate intercultural guidance for educator participants.

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