As new higher education programs emerge to prepare students for being part of a well-equipped workforce to meet the challenges of our times, and established programs revise their curricula, clear program learning outcomes (PLOs) are required. The process of curriculum (or program) assessment serves to test whether programs are effective in facilitating their PLOs. The objective of our systematic review was to identify best practices in curriculum assessment. We examined peer-reviewed literature from 1995 to 2019. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol was applied to collect evidence, reduce bias, and synthesize evidence. We screened 535 abstracts and conducted full-text screening of 43 publications of which 20 were selected for final extraction. We found that the number of articles providing empiric evidence about effective curriculum assessment is low. We identified promising practices based on the frequency of their mention and their assessment by the authors. These practices include an assessment plan; assessment implementation through a faculty committee; using both, direct and indirect assessment indicators (for example, student performance in specific assignments and student exit or alumni interviews); and an ongoing reevaluation of PLOs. Our findings sustain the development of an adaptable curriculum assessment procedure for higher education.