Undergraduate animal science students often have little knowledge or understanding of markets. To introduce swine production students to these concepts and principles, a marketing game was developed to allow students to be producers or industries looking to buy, sell, or hold contracts. Students (n = 87) were evaluated through postgame assessments to determine if the activity increased their understanding of hog markets. Criteria for increasing knowledge was a positive change in individual assessment score, successfully applying knowledge was defined as 90% of the students receiving a grade of >80% on the marketing section of the exam, and a successful educational experience was defined as the students rating the experience >7. All students increased (P<0.05) their knowledge of hog markets and their application of knowledge was greater (P<0.05) when participating in the futures game. Students enjoyed the method of learning and believed it increased their comprehension of the material. Despite these results, students rated the industry and market realism of the game only average, and modifications will be made as the game continues to be used in classes in order to more closely resemble that of the industry