A stakeholder survey was implemented to evaluate the potential of a feed milling specialization at The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI). An online survey was distributed to the Ohio Agribusiness Association and Feed & Grain magazine email lists. Respondents preferred candidates with a bachelor’s degree (43%); an associate’s degree (26%); or had no degree preference for candidates (28%). Respondents reported new hire salaries of $33,379 with benefits packages worth $11,621 on average. Most (55%) respondents indicated it was difficult or very difficult to fill entry level positions. The top three courses respondents selected for curriculum inclusion were Feed Mill Operations and Technology, Feed Quality Assurance and Animal Food Safety, and Introduction to Animal Sciences. The top ranked expectations of graduates’ skills, knowledge, and abilities included general employability (e.g. work ethic, communication), electrical and mechanical skills (e.g. equipment, operations management, maintenance), and animal nutrition. These results will inform curriculum development, allowing industry to help shape the education of graduates they will potentially hire.