In 2017 the University of Florida (UF) AgriculturalIn 2017 the University of Florida (UF) AgriculturalOperations Management (AOM) Task Force in theDepartment of Agricultural and Biological Engineering(ABE) was formed with the overall goal of enriching the AOMprogram through curriculum enhancement, course revisionsand program of study development. The AOM Task Forcesurveyed 438 alumni, 38 ABE faculty, and interviewed fiveindustry representatives. From results of the survey andinterview activities, the Task Force noted strengths of theprogram which included developing critical, analytical,independent thinkers proficient in technical management.Furthermore, business, communication, interpersonal skillsas well as familiarity with emerging technologies such asdrones, robotics, and sensors and their application inagriculture were identified as knowledge areas that wouldbenefit AOM students in their professional careers. Fromthese findings, efforts made by the Task Force resulted inthe proposal of new courses and certificates, the creation ofnew recruitment and program promotional materials as wellas research proposals and the formation of a synergisticpartnership with the UF College of Design, Constructionand Planning to provide complementary instruction toundergraduate students.