Teaching is central to any institution of higher education; however, there have been recent calls to elevate teaching to be equally recognized with other areas of faculty work. Most faculty have never formally been trained in teaching, but they are professionally obligated to evaluate their teaching for student success and professional improvement and advancement. Researchers have posited that teaching effectiveness at most institutions is measured indirectly, which results in invalid data. As the importance of continual assessment of teaching grows in higher education, institutions must ensure measures are put in place to effectively measure teaching effectiveness. Additionally, instructors should seek out opportunities to take ownership in their development as a teacher by collecting data that accurately measures their teaching effectiveness. The purpose of this literature synthesis was to consolidate existing research regarding evaluation methods to measure faculty members’ teaching effectiveness in higher education and colleges of agriculture. We recommend administrators and faculty use this literature synthesis as an informative source of evaluation methods for measuring faculty members’ teaching effectiveness and to generate discussion around documenting and researching teaching excellence in higher education and colleges of agriculture.