Student success in higher education is dependent not only upon cognitive ability, but also inter/intrapersonal competencies, like sense of belonging. We compared how different formative assessments influence self-reported SB.Questions measuring belonging were adapted from the Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) and delivered in a large, introductory class. To gauge belonging across the semester, the PSSM instrument was administered during weeks 1-14 of the 16-week term. To investigate howformative assessments influenced belonging, SB was tested directly following three types of formative assessment (in class group activities (GA), individual iClicker questions (IQ),and peer discussion iClicker questions (DQ)) with responses gathered using iClickers. A repeated measures ANOVA indicated statistically significant differences in belonging between the pre-test and the post-test, and a significant effect of assessment type. Students (n=85) indicated the highest SB with the DQ (mean score of 3.76 S.E. .049) and GA assessments mean of 3.76, S.E. 0.052), and the lowest SB was reported directly after IQ, with a mean of 3.55 (S.E.0.049). Formative assessments affording students the ability to interact with instructor and peers enhance SB compared with those where interactions are limited to the instructor, an important finding for structuring learning activities.