Service-learning integrated into curricula allows students to enhance understanding, while engaging in a real-world service opportunity and fulfilling an important need of the community. In spring 2020, a servicelearning project was implemented into the author’s dairy undergraduate production course. The class partnered with the local state dairy extension specialist and tasked the students with designing a manure safety infographic that could be used in the dairy community. The project emphasized collaborative learning so students (n = 26 total students) were placed in groups of five or six. Overall, 80% of students identified the experience as positive and 95% of students identified their specific project as positive. Furthermore, 80% of students said they would recommend continuing to work with extension on future service-learning projects. Moreover, this service-learning project allowed students to practice their soft skills: organization, teamwork, and critical thinking. Implementing a service-learning aspect into a dairy curriculum proved useful for the partner and the students alike. The service-learning experience provided the students with a practical and applied project that positively impacted the dairy community.