This research study examines the internship expectations held by college students majoring in agriculture and agricultural employers attending the [University] Agriculture Career Fair. the topics explored in this study included evaluating students that had previously completed an internship and those that had not. Running statistical analyses on internship students, non-internship students, and employers provided information to better understand what these three groups expect from internship experiences. Previous studies set the basis for this evaluation but lacked research evidence that targeted agriculture degree-seeking college students from a rural university. The participants that were recruited in this study were students attending the [University] Agriculture Career Fair and the companies, organizations, and government agencies that had booth spaces at the fair. This study utilized a survey with 10 statements and a 5-point Likert type scale to gauge the level of agreement for each student and employer respondent. Results from this study provided evidence that suggests student expectations begin to align more closely with employers after an internship has been completed. Non-internship students appeared to have a lower level of agreement for most of the statements when compared to internship students or employers. Such knowledge is critical for university or career service officials, as they can target these students early in their beginning college years to educate them on the typical framework and expectations for an internship.