The agricultural workforce is increasingly diverse. Therefore, it is essential that graduates possess the skills to excel in a global setting. Employers seek students with developed intercultural competence (IC) and the ability to work in diverse environments. Study abroad programming is one strategy to develop IC in students, but a majority of university students do not participate in international programs. In light of these limitations, potential exists to embed IC development in on-campus curriculum. Our objective was to measure student IC development after their completion of a 16-wk STEM-based, on-campus introductory course with embedded intercultural activities. In Fall 2019, 168 students enrolled in the course and were assigned to intervention (n=104) or control (n=64) groups based on their randomly selected laboratory period (n=5). Students in the intervention group received five intercultural learning assignments throughout the semester, while students in the control group received five unrelated assignments. The Intercultural Development Inventory was administered to all students during weeks 2 and 15 (response rate = 93%). Students in the intervention group showed increased intercultural development compared with students in the control group (p <.0004). Implementing targeted intercultural activities into STEM-based courses may be one method to develop students’ intercultural competencies and improve their ability to thrive in a diverse workplace.