Developing undergraduate student skills in conducting research and communicating findings in the emerging area of integrated agronomic systems is increasingly important. Undergraduates in agricultural colleges are often trained in individual facets of their disciplines and not necessarily in research and extension activities in integrated agronomic systems. To address this, we hosted 24 undergraduate students for 10 weeks in three summers (2016, 2017, and 2018) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The students conducted research experiments in cropping systems, forage systems, and soil science, and participated in workshops and extension activities. The scholarly outputs included extension articles and poster presentations at national meetings. We assessed their response to research and extension involvement through pre- and post-internship surveys with survey questions on a 5-point Likert scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The post-internship survey showed interns valued the social aspects of the program, research products, and presentation of research findings. The interns also valued integrating theory into practice, exploring scientific literature, interpreting research data and others although the mean rating decreased by -0.01 to -0.92 points between pre- and post-internship surveys. Students scored extension activities high, gaining 54 to 63% in confidence after shadowing extension educators and networking opportunities. Interns perceived importance in working with their faculty mentor and other interns and faculty. The post-internship survey showed that the internship instilled a greater interest in careers related to agriculture and 57% enrolled in graduate school. Overall, internships enhance research and extension skills of undergraduate students in integrated agronomic systems.