In this quantitative survey study of 1,299 undergraduate students at a College of Agricultural Sciences (CAS), we explored possible factors impacting students’ decisions to prematurely depart their academic pursuits before degree completion. One of the objectives of the study was to determine differences between students of color and white students’ departure likelihood. However, student race/ethnicity was not a significant predictor of students’ self-reported departure likelihood. Support from family, support from friends, and students’ satisfaction/comfort with the CAS environment were negative predictors of students’ departure likelihood. When comparing departure likelihood based on student race/ethnicity, no differences were found between students of color and white students. There were some differences when comparing students’ perception of the CAS environment based on student race/ethnicity. White students reported somewhat higher levels of comfort/satisfaction compared to students of color. Based on these findings, CAS should consider involving students’ family and friends in students’ educational pursuits to improve retention of all students. CAS should also pay particular attention to how the environment can be more welcoming and supportive of students of color.