Students enrolled in Introduction to Animal Science class were given the option to attend supplemental instruction (SI) sessions hosted by undergraduate teaching assistants either in-person or virtually. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the effectiveness of SI sessions in helping students adapt to academic rigor expectations as measured by exam scores and 2) to determine if there were differences among exam scores of students who attended SI in-person and students who attended virtually. Sessions were held one to three days prior to four exam dates during the semester. In-person and virtual attendance averaged 25% of students enrolled (n = 134; attendance = 27, 41, 33, and 34 for exams 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively). Exam scores of SI attendees were higher (P < .01) for multiple choice and short answer portions of all exams, except the multiple choice of exam three (P = .20). Students who attended SI in-person and virtually had similar (P > .05) test scores for all portions of all exams. Results suggest that SI sessions, whether in-person or virtual, are equally beneficial to students’ exam scores and may aid them in transitioning from high school to the increased academic rigor of college.