
The Animal Science Undergraduate Research Student Association (ASURSA) at Michigan State University was developed to engage students interested in science and research in a club atmosphere. A survey was designed to determine student perceived benefits of club involvement. Survey items included demographic variables and the evaluation of benefits of club membership. Twenty-eight of the 36 dues paying members responded to the survey (77.8%). Results indicated that 84.6% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that club participation allowed for better understanding of concepts discussed in the classroom. The majority of club members (92.3%) felt their level of interaction with livestock animals had increased since joining the club and that they had further developed connections with classmates (92.3%) and Animal Science faculty (84.6%). Students viewed their involvement in the club research projects as increasing their basic understanding of the scientific method (75% agreed or strongly agreed) and basic knowledge of animal husbandry (80.0% agreed or strongly agreed). Results of the survey demonstrate that the implementation of an undergraduate research club provided a number of perceived student benefits for club members.


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